Given the proliferation of social networks and the growing number of instant messaging applications, we have perhaps lost sight of the use of other equally valuable communication tools, such as e-mail. In view of this thought of mine, let us now take the case that you must send an official communication to someone you do not know, for whom you have only been provided with your first and last name and e-mail address. However, you have lost the document on which you signed your e-mail address and now you are in trouble. You have an urgent need to contact this person, but since he is not your friend or acquaintance, you do not have the opportunity to contact him in any other way. if you don’t know how to find an email address, you should connect with us.

Guidelines for finding and Retrieving Email Addresses

Today’s tutorial will be dedicated to solving this problem: I will explain in detail what your possibilities are finding a person’s email address. Before you misunderstand, you should know that there are some absolutely legal methods in my mind. You should know that the privacy of users of major email and web mail clients is always protected; this means that there are no official tools dedicated to finding a person’s email address by typing their first and last name. But that does not mean that, with a little luck, a little logic, and the help of some web resources, you cannot find a person’s email address. You just have to cross some data.

Does this question, in addition to being of interest to you, make you even more intrigued? Well then you know you’ve just happened on the tutorial, right. Take a few minutes of free time and follow the suggestions and instructions I’ll give you in this guide. Are you ready to start? Yup? Very well! I wish you a good reading, and in this case, I wish you a good fortune!

The first method I want to point to to help you find an email address is to try to guess a person’s email address by using a set of combinations. Clearly, it is not an exact science, and the combinations to use must also take into account the possibility of registering an email address with the most common Webmail services.

To Get an email address on Gmail

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Keep in mind, however, that for registering an email address, you can also choose to use a nickname, and not necessarily your name and / or last name. Just to make some examples: [email protected] or [email protected]

Outlook Email

If the email address you are trying to track has been created through Microsoft’s Webmail service , things might get complicated. At present, in fact, the emails that can be created are only the, , and. In the past, however, it was also possible to record an email address that featured the hotmail extension . it o

Additionally, for creating an email address in the Microsoft e-mail service, you can also use characters such as ( – ), ( _ ), and ( . ); so you can understand that, in this specific case, it is more difficult to guess an email address using the logic of the combinations.

Just to make some examples, the following might be the case:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

[email protected]
[email protected]
name @
surname @
surname-name @

When trying to form the possible combinations, do not forget that you can also register an e-mail address using your own year or birthday or a nickname

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Please check your email address

As you can see, finding a person’s email address using logic combinations alone is not that simple. It’s really hard to guess at the first shot of the exact email address of a person, especially if you do not know it.

For this reason, in order to help you succeed in your intent, what I suggest to do is make a combined search that involves the use of some email verification and web search services.

This is an easy-to-use Web service that allows you to verify the correctness of an email address; This way you can check if the email address you tried to guess is there.

To use’s site service, open the browser you usually use to surf the Internet (for example, Google Chrome or Safari) and link to the Home Page of the relevant Internet site. From its main page, then click on the Verify Online Nowbutton and, by the next screen, locate the search text field.

In the text field Enter here the email address to verify , type the email address you remember or you tried to find previously, and then click Enter from your computer keyboard to confirm the search term.

If the result is positive you will be shown a result in a green color box . You will find the email that is valid which will confirm the actual existence and status of the email box you are referring to. This means that your email address is existing and you may have guessed. However, keep in mind that there may be a margin of error in case of homonymy.


An alternative and in some ways more effective way to find a person’s email address is to use Pipl, a web tool that acts as a search engine for people. Pipl is a very useful tool that I choose to advise you especially for cross-searches. You will be able to use it best if, besides your email address, you also know the name and surname of the person to search. What Pipl basically lets you do is scan the Web and the most common social networks in search of a match, when an email address or a first name and last name is indicated.

The Easiest Way to Find an Email Address on Pipl

Keep in mind that Pipl can still be used even if you do not know the name and surname of the person to look for; just tell the supposed email address. Obviously, you should be aware that this tool may not be 100% accurate, as it is necessary to consider the presence of homonyms in the search. In addition, the requested person must have previously voluntarily disclosed his email address.

The speaker recommends trying Pipl for the intended purpose after creating the premise for its operation. Then, log on to your official website and fill out the text fields you see on screen. Specifically, the Name, Email, Username or Phone text field  indicates the name , surname , phone number, or email address of the person to be tracked. In the Location field (optional) , also indicates the city of residence of the person, if you know her.

To confirm your search terms, click the magnifying glass symbol on the right-hand side of the screen.  At this point, you will be presented with the results of your search. Most social profiles will match your first and last name, phone number, or email address.

To find out more about the person you are looking for, click on one of the social network profiles you’ll see on screen. The email address you entered will be verified to ensure it matches the person you are aiming to contact.