This New Way to Use Alienware Support Assistant for Hardware and Software Utilization Reporting

Alienware is a gaming laptop of Dell. It has been specifically developed for game lovers who fail to enjoy a wide range of games on their regular computers or laptops. However, Dell understood that users have more things to do rather than troubleshooting issues on their computers and laptops. Thus, it gives an extra facility to its Alienware users and named it Alienware Support Assistance. Hence, you can run this utility to check the health of your computer’s hardware and software. You can thereby identify problems in the first place and fix them before they become too large. So, we can state that Alienware Support Assistance enables your computer to run at its best.

System Compatibility of Alienware Support Assistance:

Since Alienware is a subset of Dell, it is often termed as Dell SupportAssist as well. Therefore, you will get this automatic issue detection feature under the All Programs section in the Start menu. Then, go to the Alienware folder in case the feature is missing from the Start menu.

The Alienware Support assistant helps you to solve any problem that are related to your computer or laptop. It works on desktops and laptops with the following Operating System requirements:

  • Microsoft Windows XP (32-bit SP3)
  • Microsoft Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit)
  • Microsoft Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
  • Microsoft Windows 8 (32-bit and 64-bit)
  • Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
  • Microsoft Windows 10
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 or later

It works with internet connectivity only on Internet Explorer 7 and later. Moreover, you can’t run this utility on Linux, Windows RT, Windows 10S, or Android Operating System.

Device Requirements for Using Alienware Support Assistance:

Gain a deeper insight into the device requirements for using this smart utility.

  • Processor: 1.33 gigahertz (GHz)
  • Memory: 2 Gigabytes (GB)
  • Hard disk space: 2 Gigabytes (GB)
  • Display: 1024X768 screen resolution, 16-bit mode
  • Connectivity: Internet access required
  • Network ports: 5700 for accessing the SupportAssist user interface and 9012 for communicating with Dell)

Finally, you will require Administrator rights on the system which will run the Alienware Support Assistance.

Installation of Alienware Support Assistance:

Alienware Support Installed are often preinstalled on systems. Thus, check the same by using the following steps:

  1. Click the Start button and open the programs menu on your computer.
  2. Choose Control Panel and then Programs on the Control Panel window.
  3. Then, click the ‘Programs and Features’ link to see whether Alienware Support Assistant is visible or not.
  4. In case the Control Panel goes missing in the Programs menu, look for it in the Windows search box.

If the Alienware Support System is not preinstalled on your computer, then you need to get it manually.

Latest Utilities that You Can Derive from Alienware Support Assistance:

Here are new ways to utilize the Alienware Support Assistance.

1. Managing Personal Devices

If your computer has Alienware Support Assistance installed, then you will get notification whenever a problem is detected. Thus, you can take control of the problem and fix it with a suitable solution. Moreover, you can also take help from Dell SupportAssist in case the problem seems too difficult for you to fix manually.

Furthermore, you will receive personalized notifications for updating the Alienware Support System. Hence you can request help if a problem starts bothering you suddenly.

2. Managing Business Device

If you are an IT manager or an employee of the IT sector, then managing business devices is your priority. Thus, you can easily configure the Alienware Support Assistance to ensure a convenient and centralized management system.

3. Faster Fixation of Problems

The Support Assitance is responsible for the identification and removal of malicious programs like virus and malware. It then helps you optimize the settings of your laptop. Besides this, it automatically scans for hardware failures and fixes them accordingly. Last but not least, the Support Assistance checks hard drive, Solid State Drive, and the battery before any problem arises.

Hence, Alienware Support Assistance offers faster resolution as you get automatic solutions for your problems.

4. Up to Date System

The Alienware Support Assistance sends notifications when updates for drivers, firmware, and BIOS are available. If you want, then the support assistance will download and install the updates automatically. However, you can fix a time to install the updates at a later time.

Power Your Support Experience with Alienware Support Assistance…

Alienware Support Assistance uses smart technology to provide predictive issue detection and proactive resolution. It also collects information about the system that you are using. Actually, it uses machine learning to forecast possible issues before they happen. But, it won’t collect any personal information related to the use of the internet or files saved on your laptop. Therefore, we can relax and use this assistance for serving all the purposes you can. It will then indicate your system performance and minimize the downtime of fixing problems on your own.