How To Manage The Dedicated Server

Dedicated Server Management by UAE Technician in Dubai, Call us @ 045490503 or follow the given below

Management, Administration and Server Maintenance

The Dedicated Server management of a Cloud Server requires skills in the field of systems that not everyone has. For this reason, we have added to our list the service and maintenance of servers, the so-called Full Managed. In this way, our technicians will take care of the administration of the system, leaving the customer only the management of their website.

It is available during office hours and 24 hours a day and, if activated, is meant to be associated with the server for its entire duration. In practice it cannot be purchased for only a month or when it is needed. For more information on this, it is always advisable to contact the technical support in advance, who will remove any doubt even by telephone.

As an alternative for those who need a one-off service or during the year according to specific needs, you can purchase one of our paid Technical Assistance Tickets. In this way, you avoid activating an annual contract regarding the management and you can request an individual intervention only in case of need.

The tickets have a different cost depending on the degree of difficulty and the time needed to complete the intervention and will be the technical support to indicate the code to be purchased after having assessed everything necessary according to the customer’s request.

With these two solutions, the customer can feel comfortable because in every situation there will be our technicians who will be able to intervene and solve, whenever possible, any type of technical problem.

It is obvious that everything referring to any websites (CMS configuration or upgrade, database backup, data export, image recovery or modification, etc.) or to the scripts made by the client, remains excluded from this type of activity.

Only in case of extreme necessity can you ask the support for any advice on the matter, which will always correspond to a quote to be associated with a ticket for technical assistance even if an annual contract of Management, Administration and Maintenance of the Server is active .

Full Managed Server for all needs

The server management solution called GS85, We provide the best services as given below for server management

Root access to the server

Server monitoring with email alerts

The restoration of the status of services in the event of interruptions

The management of all problems related to security and server optimization

Updates of installed languages, kernel and system software

The installation of no 1 software per month at the request of the customer **

Server startup with OS installation and HVCP panel (if required)

The server management solution called GS247 , Our Services includes the given below solutions

Server monitoring with alerts via SMS and email

The restoration of the status of services in the event of interruptions

The management of all problems related to security and server optimization

Updates of installed languages, kernel and system software

The installation of software without limitations on customer request **

The installation of no 1 software per month at the request of the customer **

Server startup with software installation on customer request

Backup of data on external storage and possible server restore

If you are still facing any problem then just call to us @ 045490503 , we will resolve your all concern related to server management.


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