How Do I Make a Different Signature in Gmail?

We all had a situation when, at the time of receiving the letter at the end, it is written that this signature was sent from the mobile Gmail or Mail.Ru – which of them does not matter. On the one hand, it seems that the sender does not know how to change the settings, or on the other, it seems as if he wants to show what he is busy, as he uses a mobile mail client.

In either of these two options, if you do not want this phrase to be displayed at the end of any message that is sent using a mobile device, then a new release of the Android rubric will come in handy for beginners.

You can use almost any email client. The procedure for changing the signature will be almost identical in all variants. Here we consider the change of the signature on the following examples Mail.Ru, Gmail, and also Samsung. For the second option, click on the line with your email address.

For the latter, choose the account for which we want to implement the change, and we’ll pay for it. And for the very first look for the icon for the settings in the bottom left corner and click on it. In all these cases, a submenu opens, where the “Signature” is located, to which you must click, and edit it.

In the end, we save. If you want to change the signature in some other application, then the procedure for changing the signature is almost identical. That is, you will have to follow one of the above instructions. Everything is quite simple and easy, so even an inexperienced user can cope with such simple settings, as this example above.

All that remains for the user is to follow exactly the above instructions and at the end, it is necessary to save everything, since without saving the changes will not be made to the mail address of the specific user and all the procedure will have to be performed once more.

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