HP Server Support and Other Brands: How To Choose and What To Know

HP Server Support and Other BrandsEach company has a dedicated room. When you open the door you are struck by the roaring noise and the intermittent lights that fan up and down from one side to the other, yellow, green and red. No, this is not a spaceship landed nearby and stealthily hidden to preserve it from prying eyes and hands. It is the server , the heart of businesses, the core of any activity that relies on an IT infrastructure.

But what is a server ? Why is it so important? The term “server” derives from English, from the verb “to serve” which means “to serve”. So literally the “server” is a “servant”, an “orderly”. And who or what is actually served by the server? It is the clients that make requests and are granted, that is, components that access the services and resources offered by the server.

Therefore, in IT and telecommunications the server is a hardware or software structure that processes and manages information. With its activity, at a logical and physical level, the server provides services to the components that send requests through the medium of a computer network , in the context of a computer system, or locally on a computer.

On the one hand, the server. On the other, the clients. A single vassal, and many feudal lords. The server is a terminal node of the network which is placed at the other end of the structure defined as “client host”. In simple terms, it can be said that the server is basically a computer or a program that makes certain resources available to other computers. The entity defined as “server” corresponds to both hardware components, ie very powerful computers, and software components capable of providing data and services.

The server is part of a structure that operates in a game of relationships that consist of questions and requests and the provision of services and information. This is the so-called logical network architecture which is defined at the application level as “client-server”.

On the basis of these premises, it is easy to understand how the server in the IT network of a company is the basis of all the information and procedures that substantiate its activity. The ‘ Support for HP products or other brands is thus, essential when it comes to dip into their servers .


  • Support for HP and other brands servers in Dubai
  • The difference between the physical and logical levels of the server
  • When to work on the server
  • Broken hardware
  • Drawbacks of a systemic nature
  • Server assistance: new implementations
  • Which server to choose for your company?
  • Server assistance: management and implementation of ancillary services
  • Backup solutions
  • Disaster recovery
  • Business continuity
  • Configuring a virtual server

 Support for HP and other brands: the difference between physical and logical server levels

Before delving into the cases that fall within the territory of assistance for HP products and other complex brands such as servers, it is necessary to understand why in the organization of a server it is possible to distinguish a physical level and a logical level. The opposition between the physical and logical planes has to do with writing data to the server’s hard drives.

The writing of data takes place according to an organization. It is here that the difference between physical and logical level is important. In fact, to store digital information on hard disks, a preliminary formatting work is necessary with the choice of a specific logical archiving system, which is called the file system . Thanks to the logical architecture of the file system, the operating system can write and access data.

Thus the logical level of the server is clarified. Let’s move on to defining what the physical plane is, the next order that completes the storage of resources within the server. An allocation scheme is used for physical data storage. It is an organizational tool that allows you to easily reach the area where data on disk is to be read or written. The abbreviation CHS is the acronym for one of the most popular allocation systems. Stands for: Cylinder / Head / Sector, ie “cylinder”, “head”, “sector”.

Support for HP and other brands: when to take action on the server

The first case in which assistance for HP products and other complex brands such as servers is fundamental occurs when there are malfunctions. Difficulties can affect servers at different levels. In fact, hardware failures or systemic problems may occur. In this second case, the defect can affect one of the functions for which the server is responsible.

UAE  Technicians are available to companies to evaluate and solve any problem affecting the servers at the base of the company’s IT network. UAE Technician  offers a support service for HP products and other brands, as complex as servers . Intervention in a technician is guaranteed within eight working hours.

 Broken hardware

Hardware failures are of various types. Physical or logical failure of hard drives may occur. Another possibility is the failure of the motherboard or the power supply or the disk controller.

Drawbacks of a systemic nature

The drawbacks of a systemic nature that affect the servers are of various kinds, precisely because of the role that a server plays in a computer network. In fact, several functions can be affected. This is because a server can be used to cope with multiple activities. A systemic malfunction can therefore be expressed as failure to activate or faulty activation of one of the procedures that make up those activities.

A server is able to perform even extremely diversified functions: there are servers for sharing corporate files, mail servers, management servers, servers that function as firewalls, servers that function as VOIP telephone switchboards. When a systemic inconvenience occurs one of these activities will be interrupted or will function incorrectly.

Systemic problems can consist of malfunctions of Windows Server or of any other application installed on the server.

Support for HP and other brands on the server: new implementations

The ‘ Support for HP and other brands of complex products such as servers is crucial when a company opens a new office IT infrastructure and must provide it or want to replace all of its old servers.

Which server to choose for your company?

Choosing the right server for your company must be made on the basis of the number and type of applications to be run. The number of clients that will interface with the server is also a variable to consider. There are applications that require a low level of processing which can be well supported by relatively inexpensive machines. Examples of such applications are those that perform the function of print server and Microsoft Office file sharing.

On the other hand, there are also business needs that determine the need to rely on more powerful servers. The hosting of important databases or a large number of images organized in libraries requires having machines capable of coping with complex processing and with capacious hard disks, fast and suitable network channels.

Support for HP and other brands on the server: management and implementation of ancillary services

The need to implement ancillary services on the server and to manage those present requires the intervention of technicians able to offer assistance for HP and other brands. UAE Technician  is a company specialized precisely in the assistance for HP and other brands servers in Dubai

There are some basic services that every company should implement on their servers. These are essential tools for ensuring the safety of businesses. The most requested and useful accessory services are represented by backup solutions, disaster recovery solutions , and finally, tools for business continuity .

Backup solutions

Backup consists of archiving a backup copy of company data . In fact, a company’s strategic information may be lost as a result of accidental or intentional adverse events. The loss of data is a potentially “fatal” damage for a company because these are the foundations of any business.

For this reason, backup solutions are an important accessory service. Its implementation can be completed thanks to good support for HP and other brand products on complex components such as servers.

Disaster recovery

The expression “disaster recovery” refers to the possibility of restoring the entire IT system that supports the company’s business, ie the operating system, programs and data, following a disastrous accident that completely disrupted the ‘infrastructure.

“disaster recovery” is translated as “disaster recovery”. This recovery takes place with the restoration of the original integrity of the IT infrastructure. To maintain this fundamental possibility for the safety of the company, a series of technological and logistical / organizational measures are implemented.

The Disaster Recovery Plan is the document that summarizes and makes explicit all the measures adopted. It is part of the most ambitious project of the Business Continuity Plan .

Business continuity

The expression “business continuity” refers to the possibility of restoring the entire IT infrastructure following adverse events without causing interruptions in the productivity of the company. In UAE “business continuity” is translated as “business continuity“.

The notion of business continuity has its roots in the ferment of the seventies, when information technology began to spread in different sectors. It soon became clear that if irreversible damage to IT systems had occurred, it would not have been possible to return to manual procedure management.

The managers of the business flows had to make efforts to justify significant investments to deal with the possibility of unlikely adverse events. Today, the importance of solutions capable of guaranteeing operational continuity even in the most critical situations is recognized by all.

UAE Technician are available for any request for support in the creation of an IT infrastructure that guarantees business continuity in all adverse circumstances.

Configuring a virtual server

Server virtualization allows you to use a single physical server to activate multiple logical servers. The advantages of configuring a virtual server are in the first place economic, secondly functional. In fact, the configuration of a virtual server greatly simplifies the implementation of disaster recovery and business continuity procedures.

UAE Technician : support for HP servers and other brands in Dubai

UAE Technician  is a company specialized in IT consultancy and in the rental of office machines. It is based in the province of  Dubai UAE. UAE Technician work throughout  UAE.

They regularly follow refresher courses to always be prepared on any news on the IT market.

The professionals of UAE Technician  guarantee the best assistance for HP servers and other brands like Dell, Samsung. They are a valid reference point for the installation and configuration of a physical or virtual server , to implement accessory services on an existing server and for the resolution of any malfunctions in the IT infrastructure.

The UAE Technician  specialists guarantee the intervention on site within eight working hours from the moment of the request.