How to Enable the Certified Electronic Mail at UAE Technician

One of the most common doubts about technology and the use of the most famous web services concerns the operation and activation of certified electronic mail. This is a very important topic and therefore it is my absolute concern to clarify all the difficult points. I will do this in my guide where I will discuss in detail how it is possible to activate certified e-mail at a really irresistible cost.

Yes, because, as you may know, certified email, commonly called PEC, is not free. To activate PEC, you must purchase a certified mail service offered by some company specialized in the provision of web services. However, the cost is quite low, it is around 5/10 euros per year and it is a subscription that usually does not include contractual constraints: this means that if you no longer want to use PEC, you can end your payment at any time and cancel the renewal for the next billing month.

These initial premises have intrigued you, and you are now looking forward to know more about the operation and the ability to activate a PEC box? So let’s just go for points, and let’s get into that argument. The speaker recommends taking some time to read a guide to address any main doubts about the functioning of a PEC. Ready to get started? Yup? Very well! All I have to do is to wish you a good read.

What is Certified Electronic Mail?

What is Certified Electronic MailMost commonly called PEC, Certified Electronic Mail is a Webmail service that allows you to send certified email over the Internet. Unlike other popular Webmail services, such as Gmail or Outlook, for example, PEC is used to send legal emails. Emails sent to a PEC address, by way of a PEC address, are, in fact, certified, and this means they have the same legal validity as a return receipt.

Certified Electronic Mail is therefore a tool for sending and receiving emails, but it differs precisely because of its integration of a tool that certifies these electronic communications. Having a PEC and using it to send this type of email may be necessary, for example, if you need to send official communications.

We need to make a point here: PEC is not mandatory for all private citizens. The obligation to own a Certified Electronic Mail address is only available to businesses, professionals, individual firms, and public administrations.

This obligation is in force since June 2013. All those who are in the categories listed above must notify the Company’s Register of their Certified E-mail address. As for all private citizens, as mentioned above, it is not mandatory to hold a PEC. However, I feel advised to purchase a PEC address for those who need to send frequently recommended or official communications. PEC is a great alternative for those who need to communicate officially with public bodies.

Learn About Cirtified Electronic Mail

The speaker assured that using PEC is not difficult, because with effort, anyone can quickly learn and improve their skills.

It is no coincidence that, at the user interface level, PEC is very similar to other Webmail services. Yes, because you do not have to install any kind of software dedicated to PEC to use this type of email with legal validity.

PEC serves as nothing more than an e-mail address that users can utilize over the Web. Usually, companies that provide PEC also indicate the Internet address to which you can go to use the PEC.

Alternatively, anyone who uses e-mail on a desktop client can configure the use of PEC in the same software. PEC is configured with traditional POP and IMAP protocols, so you can receive and send emails using the client that is usually used for traditional mail. Do not forget to use PEC on Android and iOS; some service companies offer the dedicated application.

Lastly, we need to talk about the practical operation of PEC: The difference with a traditional email is in the system of sending and receiving validated emails. After you have sent an email to the recipient’s PEC address, you will automatically receive two notifications (assignment and delivery). The first acknowledges the shipment to the recipient, while the second certifies that the email has been delivered to the recipient.

How to Activate the Certified Electronic Mail

As explained above, Certified Electronic Mail is not free . Until some time ago, the Certified Mail Service existed. Which allowed a free PEC address for sending verified emails verified to Public Administrations. Since 2014, the service in question has been inactive, requiring a subscription to obtain a PEC address.

The cost is still very affordable. It usually, service companies sell a PEC address at a price of 5/10 euros a year. Some also offer PEC use for free but only for a short trial period.

Below, I will show you the most famous companies that provide the purchase of a low-cost PEC email.

PEC LegalMail

PEC LegalMail is provided by InfoCert. The PEC’s purchase prices are higher than the competition, but only because it is a service targeting companies.

PEC LegalMail is available for free for a  trial  period of 6 months. Prices are as follows:

  • PEC Bronze : 25 euros a year + VAT. Included in the price is a 5 GB PEC box, also accessible by mobile.
  • PEC Silver : 39 euros a year + VAT. Included in the price is an 8 GB PEC box, accessible from smartphones and tablets.
  • PEC Gold : 75 euros a year + VAT. Included in the price is a 15-GB PEC box. It is also accessible from mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

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