How to change photos on WhatsApp

How to change photos on WhatsApp

It is now several weeks now that you use WhatsApp on your smartphone with great satisfaction. Following the suggestions of a friend you have in fact taken steps to download the famous instant messaging app that allowed you to keep in touch with all your friends and relatives. WhatsApp has become a popular instant messaging app for keeping in touch with friends and family. However, some users may have doubts about its operation and want to customize it. They may want to know how to change the picture on WhatsApp, and the guide will provide detailed instructions on how to do so.

This essay shows how to change a profile photo on WhatsApp, a straightforward and accessible technique that anyone, including those with limited expertise with current technology, may complete without difficulty.

If you are interested, then find out what steps you need to perform to perform the procedure that will allow you to change the picture on WhatsApp I suggest you take a few minutes of free time, to get comfortable and to carefully focus on reading the directions I am about to provide you. I am sure that in the end you will be able to do it and that, if necessary, you will know how to explain it to your friends in need of a little help. Are you ready to start? Yup? Very well! I wish you a good read.

Like how to change photos on WhatsApp

To be able to change photos on WhatsApp, it is necessary to put in place a special procedure that is slightly different depending on the type of smartphone in use and therefore the operating system installed on it. To be able to change photos on WhatsApp without problems, then locate your smartphone among those listed below and follow the instructions.

How to change photos on WhatsApp on iPhone

If you own an iPhone and it is your intention to understand what you need to do in order to change the profile picture on WhatsApp, know that you can do it easily. The first thing you need to do is access the famous instant messaging application from your smartphone. To do this, access the home screen of your mobile phone and then tap the WhatsApp app icon (in the form of a green speech bubble with a telephone receiver inside).

Change your WhatsApp image, go to Settings, tap on your name, and then edit the image. You can change photos by clicking on the menu, selecting one from your phone’s library, or deleting the current one. To use the default photo for all users, press Delete photos.

Do you want to change photos on WhatsApp? Select the Take photo option, press the circular button at the bottom of the screen, and enable or disable flash or use the rear camera. Use the photo if it’s successful, or press the repeat button to take a new one. Move and resize the photo, and press Done. If you want to change photos from an iPhone album, select the album, press the photo, and tap Choose. Confirm the photo and return to the WhatsApp, settings.

How to change photos on WhatsApp on Android

Do you have an Android smartphone and would like to know what you need to do to be able to change your profile picture on WhatsApp? Yes? Well, then for a start, access the home screen of your device and then press the icon of the famous application to start it.

Now that you see the main screen of WhatsApp, press the Menu button   (this is the button with the three dots) located in the upper right part of the screen that is shown to you, select the item  Settings and then tap on your name that is at the top of the screen.

If you want to change your WhatsApp profile picture, press the camera icon under the profile picture. A menu will appear, allowing you to select from your smartphone’s gallery, take a new image, delete the current one, or use the default one for all users. First you can choose an image from the gallery, press the Gallery button. To remove an existing image, press the Remove Image button.

To change your WhatsApp profile picture, take a new photo, enable or disable flash, and resize it using your fingers. If you want to change an existing photo, select it from your multimedia gallery and resize it using your fingers. If you change your mind, press Cancel. Once you confirm your choice, you will be returned to the Profile section of WhatsApp settings on your Android smartphone, and the selected photo will be visible in the upper part of the screen.

How to change photos on WhatsApp on Windows Phone

Alternatively, if you have a smartphone based on  Windows Phone, to be able to change photos, start the application, go to the Settings section and then press on the Profile item.

Then press on the image of the profile currently in use and choose, depending on what are your preferences and needs and selecting the appropriate items, if you change photos on WhatsApp immediately taking a new profile picture, if you change photos on WhatsApp by selecting an image already saved in the library of your device or if you remove the photo currently in use before choosing a new one and then use that made available by default from WhatsApp to all users.

Once you confirm the choice of the photo, you will be automatically returned to the Profile section of the settings of WhatsApp. The selected photo will be visible in the upper left part of the screen displayed.

How to change photos on WhatsApp from PC and Mac

From the moment in which WhatsApp conversations are also accessible from PC, through the WhatsApp Web tool, this means that you can also access the application settings via your PC or Mac; just go to the official website of WhatsApp Web through the browser that you usually use to browse the Internet, and make the connection with your phone.

To log in to WhatsApp Web for the first time, you need to scan the appropriate QR code displayed on the screen. In order to scan the code requested by WhatsApp, go to the Settings of the application from your device and tap on the item that refers to WhatsApp Web. It will start the camera of your smartphone and, through a special section, you can make the connection between your device and WhatsApp Web.

Once you have successfully logged into WhatsApp Web, you can act as a desktop to change your profile picture. To do this, from the home screen, click on your profile photo and then click on it. In a similar way to the procedures indicated on Android and iOS, you can, for example, choose to upload a photo on your Windows PC or Mac or take a picture on the moment via the webcam of your computer.

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